Taylor's School of Engineering

Taylor's School of Engineering

Saturday 25 April 2015

Keyword: Beetle (Literature Review)

Hey guys, it is the time of the week where we update you with yet another post. Today’s post will be a little more technical as we delve deep into research papers and journals to learn more about the beetle; how does beetle play an important role to inspire researchers to develop new constructions, products and technologies. Oh yea before we proceed, let us update you on Greg's condition...
...woah! Sorry to interrupt you Greg. We didn't mean to do that! As you can see, Greg has been living healthily during these past few days. He even found a new partner, Lisa to mate with. Congratulation Greg! Hope you are blessed with many children. Without further ado, let us show you what we learnt from those journals.

No. Title Author(s) Year Findings / Summary Discussion
Characteristics of a Beetle’s Free Flight and a Flapping-Wing System that Mimics Beetle Flight
Quoc Viet Nguyen, Hoon Cheol Park, Nam Seo Goo, Doyoung Byun
  • Development of Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle by mimicking beetle flight.
  • Free flight of the beetle is investigated for its flight parameters.
  • The parameters observed from the beetle's wing are flapping angle, flapping frequency, wing kinematics, wing size, stroke plan, wing tip path, and wing rotation angle.
  • Scotch yoke and a linkage mechanism is applied to fabricate the flapping-wing system.
  • Flapper works well.
  • The flapping frequency and wing rotation of the flapper should be improved to obtain higher force during lift off.
  • The large beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma is used in this research. Smaller family beetles can be studied to allow size reduction of the flapping-wing system.
Biomimetic mushroom-shaped fibrillar adhesive microstructure
S.Gorb, M.Varenberg, A.Peressadko, J.Tuma
  • Development of an industrial dry adhesive.
  • Attachment system of Chrysomelidae beetles are studied.
  • Mushroom-shaped fibrillar adhesive microstructure similar to the beetles improve adhesion.
  • Pull-off force and peel strength are more than twice compared to control flat specimens.
  • Mushroom-shaped microstructure also has higher tolerance to contamination.
  • Able to recover adhesive properties after being washed in soap solution.
  • Industrial dry adhesive applying this structure can be produced in any size up to an A4 paper size.
  • Suitable to be used in protective tape for sensitive glass surfaces or in reusable pads that attach object.
  • Successfully applied to a 120 g wall-walking robot's feet.
  • Insects use two levels of outgrowths in the attachment organs (two hierarchy levels of structuring).
  • Most artificial patterned adhesives have only one hierarchy level of structuring.
  • Spiders have three levels of hierarchy structuring while geckos have four levels.
  • However in this study, comparisons are not made between two to four levels of hierarchy.
  • Geckos might have the better attachment structure for the adhesive.
Developing optical efficiency through optimized coating structure : biomimetic inspiration from white beetles
Benny T.Hallam, Anthony G.Hiorns, Peter Vukusic
  • Design coating formulation inspired by Cyphochilus species beetle.
  • Optimising the packing density of scattering centres in the beetles' elytral scales allows the beetles to display ultra-bright whiteness.
  • Random arrangement of cuticular filaments on the interior scales; covering its body.
  • Tests are carried out through mineral coatings on paper.
  • Optical properties - size, number density, and separation of scattering units varies for the coatings.
  • Best performance is produced from overall compromise between the parameters which linked to specific combination of D5 and PSD.
  • Light-scatter generation method in beetle has inspired the production of specific mineral coating layers.
  • Methods applied for industrial mineral processing are routinely controlled.
  • Design parameters are mapped in a systematic manner for optimisation.
  • However, limitation occurred as industrial processes cannot mimic the replication of the random interconnected fibril as of the Cyphochilus beetle.
  • Besides, scattering centres, and multi-mineral solutions should be considered.
  • Pore sizes located at smaller void separation may be investigated too.
  • Mixing of narrow-PSD carbonate with platy kaolin is suggested.
Sensing in nature using biomimetics for design of sensors
Torben Lenau, Hyunmin Cheong, Li Shu 
  • Illustration of application of biomimetics in sensor design.
  • Infrared organs in Bupestrid beetles can detect forest fires over many kilometres.
  • Detection of burned areas is required as larvae feed on wood that has no defensive reaction.
  • Thin layer structures with reflectors of the beetles create metallic look and bright colour due to light reference.
  • This study generalised the usage and method of design through biomimetics.
  • Biological sensing is the translation of physical input to electric signals in the nervous system (sensory cells and neurons).
  • Each sensor has its own function and details of operation have to be further discussed to integrate into different real-life applications.
Factors impacting nanoindentation testing results of the cuticle of dung beetle 
Tong Jin, Sun Ji-Yu, Chen Dong-Hui, Zhang Shu-Jun
  • Foreleg of dung beetle is the subject for nanoindentation tests.
  • Indentation properties such as reduced modulus and harness of the femur cuticle of forelegs are tested in nanoscale.
  • Creep property and the analysis between indentation depth increment and the indenting time at maximum load.
  • Visco-elastic-plastic and creep phenomenon in the femur cuticle exists.
  • General logarithmic equation can be used to describe the creep property.
  • Mechanical property of the cuticle of dung beetle has to be observed in nanoscale.
  • Insect cuticle is a composite consisting of chitin fibres and proteinaceous matrix.
  • The lightweight skeleton and high strength properties of such cuticles can inspire the design of engineering structures on machines that can function in wet and soft soil environment, without compromising on the mechanical behaviour of the machines.
Geometrical features and wettability of dung beetles and potential biomimetic engineering applications intilage implements
Tong Jin, Sun Ji-Yu, Chen Dong-Hui, Zhang Shu-Jun
  • Coprisochus Motschulsky dung beetle was studied for its geometrical traits and wettability (ability of a liquid to retain on a solid surface).
  • The head, body and the wing of the dung beetle has surface with embossed texture.
  • It is found that the head of the beetle has a similar shape of a a bulldozing blade.
  • Tooth-like structured forelegs are found on the beetle; enhancing the burrowing ability.
  • The body surface profile of the dung beetle is estimated to have 1877 fractal dimension.
  • From the wetting test, it showed that the dung beetle exhibited a hydrophobic behaviour (afraid of water).
  • Unlike other beetles, dung beetle often possess a high anti-adhesive property to walk on wet soil and contact on wet mammals' dung.
  • This property can be further researched to develop a non-stick technology that cleans the mud automatically.
  • The burrowing ability of the dung beetle is highly praised as the result of the finite-element analysis (engineering modelling) showed that the beetle is better than most other insects with burrowing skill.
  • Coprisochus Motschulsky has great potential for biomimicry in many aspects.
Structural characteristic of allomyrina dichotoma beetle's hind wings for flapping wing micro air vehicle
Ngoc San Ha, Quang Tri Truong, Hoang Vu Phan, Nam Seo Goo, Hoon Cheol Park.
  • The wing's static and dynamic features of beelte from the Allomyrina dichotoma family is investigated.
  • Flexural stiffness of the wing is determined by loading masses on it in static condition.
  • Through dynamic testing, the natural frequency of the beetle's wing is correlated to the surface area density of the wing.
  • The bending property of both the artificial-made wing and natural wing is very much alike to the cantilever beam.
  • The artificial design of the wing is able to lift and takeoff, indicating that it mimicked beetle's wing well.
  • Static test is important to evaluate the stiffness value of the beetle's wing.
  • The structure of the beetle's wing is too complicated to replicate due to its vein structure, and thus it is ignored in the artificial fabrication.
  • Compared to the natural wing, the artificial wing returns to equilibrium slower.
  • The misalignment of the centre of gravity and aerodynamic centre caused the model to drop after it took off.
  • Adjustments on those properties are needed.

From the literature review, we learnt that there are many biomimicry possibilities with beetles. Examples of beetle inspired creation are flapping-wing system for aeronautics, coating that optimise optical efficiency, sensors to detect forest fire, adhesive tape, and also non-adhesive fabric. The potential of innovation is limitless.

That's all about today's post. Thanks you for reading. We will be taking a break from posting next week due to examination. We will be back in the following week after the test. In the next post, we will touch on many other examples of bio-inspiration from the beetles. 
Stay tuned! 

Friday 17 April 2015

Meet the Cast!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog!

Today, we are going to introduce the main character of the blog. Can you guess who it is? Let us drop you a hint – it starts with the letter ‘b’ and ends with ‘-eetle’. That’s right, it is the beetle! Not the Volkswagen Beetle or the famous music band by the way, the beetle that we are adopting is the one with that crawls with six legs. :D

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the superstar, Greg! Greg was found taking his leisure afternoon walk in the bushes at the park. His absolutely stunning figure and charisma had thus, won him the invitation for screen testing as the main character of this blog.

A few other supporting roles of the same species had joined Greg in the play as well. Since this is the introductory post for Greg and his kin, let us learn more about them. 

Beetles are a group of insects which falls under the Coleoptera order. They can be found in all continents and countries. There are over 300,000 species of beetles and they come in different shapes, sizes, and colours. 


Let's explore on some of the important features of Beetles :

(Image source: http://animalcorner.co.uk/beetle-anatomy/)

Used for smell, mating, and self-defence.
Different between various species.
Antennae type:
(Image source: www.kerbtier.de)
A- Filiform
B- Calvate
C- Capitate
D- Serrate
E- Pectinate
F- Geniculate
G- Lamellate 

- Compound eye
Hexagonal lenses on faceted eyes.

Contains the brain. Eyes, mouth, pharynx, and 2 antennae are attached here.  
Head types:

(Image source: www.kerbtier.de/Pages/Themensiten/enKoerperbau.html#)

Linkage of the front body to legs and wings.

Hard exoskeleton fore-wings to protect the hind-wings.

Hind wings
Used for flying and swimming. 
Hidden in elytra when not in use.

This is where the heart lies along with organs for digestive and reproductive system.

Beetles breathe through them. 
Spiracles open and close efficiently to reduce water loss while allowing air to enters into respiratory systems.

Six jointed legs comprise of femur, tibia and tarsus.
Different species have legs according to their habitat.
Leg types:
(Image source: www.kerbtier.de/Pages/Themensiten/enKoerperbau.html#)

- Maxillary palps
Finger-like appendages to move food into the mouth.

- Mandibles
Tooth-like structures that comes in pair to crush food or enemies. 

Natural Habitat of Beetles

The Coleoptera order is a very diverse group. They are able to live in any condition. Beetles are commonly found in trees, shrubs, fresh water areas, shores, alpine zones and even some extreme habitats such as thermal pools and caves.

Life Cycle of A Beetle

(Image source: http://www.keepinginsects.com/beetle/general/)

  • There are 4 stages to a beetle’s life cycle – eggs, instar, pupa, and adult. 
  • The female beetle usually lays her eggs near a food source. Reproduction is also usually timed to match the time when most food is available. 
  • When the eggs hatch, a larva emerges. The larva of a beetle looks like a fat caterpillar, and nothing like an adult beetle.  This larva stage is known as instar. In the instar stage, larvae will continuously eat, move and shed skin. 
  • In the final stage of the instar, the beetle will stop eating and moving as it turns into a pupa. 
  • In the pupa stage, the body of a larva will transform into an adult beetle!

Beetle Behaviour


Picture Sources:
1. http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/graphics/2107/5255081_japbeetles300.jpg
2. http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/fried-suiri-or-beetle-larvae-on-skewers-high-res-stock-photography/88308758
3. http://www.babywolf.com/ladybugs-and-aphids-organic-pest-contro/
4. http://www.topbest.ph/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Michael-Cook.jpg
5. http://www.landofpyramids.org/khepri.htmhttp://media4.s-nbcnews.com/j/streams%5C2012/August/120805%5C333011-at-110822-beetle-fight-01.blocks_desktop_large.jpg
6. http://media4.s-nbcnews.com/j/streams%5C2012/August/120805%5C333011-at-110822-beetle-fight-01.blocks_desktop_large.jpg
7. http://wiki.bugwood.org/uploads/Fig6loos.jpg
8. http://www.eakringbirds.com/eakringbirds2/cassidarubiginosa06.jpg
9. http://m7.i.pbase.com/o4/20/648320/1/114967507.MTYJ7u95.Lepturamaculata.jpg
10. http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/obituaries/articles/2011/04/01/thomas_eisner_81_studied_insects_use_of_chemistry/
11. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/Nosoroh.jpg
12. http://web.williams.edu/Biology/explodingflower/images/longhorn.jpg
13. http://www.3bhoneybee.ca/uploads/9/9/0/2/9902137/7977816_orig.jpg

Unique Facts About Beetles

Did you know that:

1. A quarter of the animals on earth are beetles.
Currently, there are more than 300,000 species of beetles known to us and there are many more left to be discovered. The Coleoptera order is the biggest order in the entire animal kingdom. 

2. The size of the beetles ranges dramatically.
Nanosella fungi, the smallest known beetle on earth weighs only about 0.4 mg and it is around 0.25 mm long. On the other hand, the Goliathus goliathus weighs about 100 g, and the Titanus giganteus has an average body length of 20 cm.

3. A few species of beetle can glow in the dark.

Those beetles produce light through a chemical reaction in luminescent spots that are usually found at the posterior (hind end) of the beetle. The reason they emit light is to attract small preys in the form of insect towards them.

4. Beetles are everywhere.

As mentioned earlier, beetle species are very diverse. They can be found living anywhere in this planet Earth!

5. Beetles existed longer than humans.
According to the archaeologists, the first organism that resemble a beetle existed roughly 270 million years ago. It is believed that their ability to adapt in group is the reason that they are not extinct yet.

That's all for this week's post. Thank you, we hope that you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoying writing it. 

Next week, we will get to know more about the role of beetles in the field of research. You will be amazed by how some features of beetles have actually contribute into our daily lives.
Stay tuned! 

Saturday 11 April 2015

We are the Beetle-rs!

Good day peeps! Welcome to the Beetle Life blog.

This blog is created by five students who are curious about the nature and how living things work in this Mother Earth.

We are Pang, Jaclyn, Andy, Huey Meing, and Amir. We are the final year engineering degree students from Taylor’s University.

We would like you to join us in the journey of enjoying the life of beetle on weekly basis and get inspired by the beauty of nature and its marvellous design through living things. So sit tight as we are get ready to embark on a beautiful adventure of the life of the beetle.

The Beetle-rs: Pang (top-middle), Andy (top-left), Amir (top-right), Huey Meing (bottom-left), Jaclyn (bottom-right).