Taylor's School of Engineering

Taylor's School of Engineering

Thursday 18 June 2015


Dear readers,

We are moving towards the end of this semester, and this will be our last update on this blog. It has been a long journey and we are glad that we had made it this far. We would like to thank all of you for your continuous support. It has been a very fun ride for us :)
Let us take a trip down to the memory lane of what we had wrote thus far.


We have kept Greg, Lisa, and his family and friends in captivity for a period of 10 weeks. Throughout this period, we have managed to know them better. We first look into the anatomy of beetle in general, then their functions towards the ecosystem. After that, products and technologies that were inspired from beetles were presented. Some of the interesting bioinspirations are the underwater robots, press roller, micro air vehicle, dew harvesting, spraying, and forest fire detection mechanisms. On top of that, dung beetle got our attention when we found out the existence of a vehicle named ‘Bio-Bug’ which operates based on bio-gas. We realised that the ability of dung beetle to utilize unwanted wastes by other organisms into useful energy for their consumption has the potential to be applied into human lives.

The use of biogas as the source of energy is not a new technology, there are communities who have realised the potential of renewable energy and applied it into equipment such as gas engine. Gas engine works similar to the conventional internal combustion engine but it is powered by biogas instead of gasoline. The thermal, chemical, and biochemical conversion methods of biomass were discussed in ‘Industrial Application’, posted back in May 2015.

Moving on, we then proposed a design concept based on the dung beetle and utilization of biogas into our daily life. The Biogas Generator for Residential Use was proposed. The working mechanism and design were illustrated and described. If you would like to know more about it, please leave your comments below and we are more than happy to talk to you! :D

We have also reverse engineered leaf beetle and treat Greg as our biological artefact. You can check out the reverse engineering worksheet for Greg over here


In conclusion, biomimicry is the art of learning from nature. The use of biomimicry in engineering design will lead us to a path towards sustainable future. As described by Janine M. Benyus,

"The more our world functions like the natural world, the more likely we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone."

Through holistic view of biomimicry, sustainable products and technologies can be inspired from the nature. The forms, features, and working systems of an organism can be imitated and applied into our daily lives. For example, in this blog, we proposed the design on the ‘Biogas Generator for Residential Use’, based on the working mechanism of dung beetles. It’s a sustainable process as we do not only consider a particular feature of the beetle, but the overall energy transferring mechanisms. Dung beetles have the ability to digest complex organic matters into soluble forms and convert the molecules into food. We applied similar concept into the Biogas Generator. Production of biogas such as methane is carried out through anaerobic digestion.

The concept of this system is sustainable as animal manures were applied for the biogas generator. Anaerobic decomposition will release methane which can then be applied for cooking or heating. The carbon dioxide released during combustion will be utilized by plants during photosynthesis. After that, the plants will act as a food source for the animals and the cycle repeats. 

Future Work

After a reflection session among the team members, we have come to realize some of the possible future aspects from what we have done throughout these 3 months. 

1. Types of beetle 
There are around 350,000 beetle species have been documented. This means that there is so much more to explore among the beetles besides looking at Greg and his clan. Other beetles such as rhinoceros beetle is available in Malaysia and that will be another good subject for study. 

2. Design concept
Besides, biogas generator, we have presented to you some of the available researches and technologies inspired by beetles. Due to the various types of beetle species, it is feasible to employ the features and working mechanisms into different field of our human lives. However, more studies are required if we want to produce an idea which is sustainable and useful in the future.

That concludes everything on this blog. And now for the grand finale! It's time to release our friends Greg, Lisa and their classmates back to the wild.

Fly Greg, fly! We are going to miss you.
All the best in there. Just don't get eaten will ya'? 
So long Greg and all. You guys helped us a lot in this assignment, and gave us lots of fun. Thank you! 

And also to our readers. Thanks again for joining us in this wonderful ride. It may not have been a smooth ride all the way, but we truly appreciate of everyone who participated with us. We wish you good luck and all the best in your life. Till we meet again. 
So long folks~ au revoir~ adiós~ zai jian~ selamat tinggal~ and goodbye~ :D

Sunday 14 June 2015

Individual Reflection

1. What was the most interesting proposed used of biomimicry that was developed in blog? Why? 

I think the most interesting proposed use of biomimicry mentioned in the blog is the development of a micro air vehicle. A micro air vehicle is a small scale autonomous or remotely controlled vehicle capable of flight. Micro air vehicles are designed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance purposes. One of the MAV designs is inspired by the hind wings of Japanese Rhinoceros (Allomyrina Dichotoma).I have always been fascinated with finding new, innovative ways to air travel and discovering that we could find this sort of inspiration from Greg made me choose this as its best feature in biomimicry.

Definitely those biogas related applications – the biogas generator and the biogas engine. I consider myself an environmentalist; a nature lover. Seeing how the dung beetles collecting animals’ excretion and turn it into their valuable resource where most other species consider it as waste had left a great impression to me. Most of the fuel resources we used are limited on Earth thus, implementing alternative and renewable resources to our daily applications would preserve those valuable fuels. Similar to the dung beetles, the concept of biogas generator and biogas engine use waste to generate methane gas which can be used to power steam engines to generate electricity; or being used for direct heating. This recycling method – making use of waste as resource is the most interesting biomimicry to me.

I think the Biogas Generator for Residential Use is the most interesting biomimicry that was developed in the blog. This application is cool and interesting as we are able to use waste to make useful product (Biogas for cooking). Besides that, the byproduct of the gas can then be absorbed back by green plants through photosynthesis. I personally think this is the most environmental friendly idea and more research should be done on it to make it a big success. By doing so, we are not only saving natural resources, we are also keeping our world cleaner and greener.  

Huey Meing: 
I find the application of biogas generator into daily residential use such as cooking and generation of electricity interesting. This is due to the ability of such application to be using renewable resources as it depends on plants such as grass which can grow back every year, compared to natural gas which is extracted from fossilized remains of plants that took millions of years. Besides, application of biogas reduces the emission of greenhouse gases compared to the process to obtain natural gases. Reduction of animal manure and waste improves hygiene of a community and prevent diseases. Commercialization of biogas will be beneficial to the nation in long term and will reduce our carbon footprint. There are some companies already using biogas generator and engine for their processes. More effort could be done to promote the usage of biogas as the sources of energy in our daily lives. It is one of the sustainable solution for our energy generation system.

Pang Chuan Yao:
In our blog one of the most interesting engineering inspiration used of biomimicry is the designing of a surveillance robot that can fly and has tough outer body to withstand external harms. Based on the reverse engineering worksheet on last week post, record about examine our study adopt life Greg about the shape and the function of each features to inspire to the designing of shape of surveillance robot based on the features of Greg. This design got its own unique features that will becoming great opportunity in investing in security system to a new level of upgrading.

2. Do you think that your design is patentable? Is it unique enough to be approved?

Based on the facts presented in last week's reverse engineering worksheet, I think the surveillance robot design is patentable. This is because it has many unique features that has been adopted including a miniature camera, a radio transmitter for giving it command input and hind wings which allowed it to fly. Both of these features were obtained from the beetle. The camera is mounted on the robot which is small like a beetle and is able to infiltrate areas that will be hard for humans to otherwise access. Beetles and flying insects are masters of flight control, integrating sensory feedback from the visual system and other senses to navigate and maintain stable flight, all the while using little energy. The mid-air movements of free-flying insects using a radio transmitter and a miniature backpack of electronics worn by "cyborg beetles". The beetles are able to take off, land, fly to the right or left and even hover in mid-flight depending on the radio commands given to it.

Yes, I do think that our design of biogas generator is patentable. The system that involves several processes from generating biogas to storing it and then using it is unique enough to file a patent. Although lacking of evidences on the efficiency of the system, the idea of using valves and connecting pipes to link the digester, storage tank and stove together makes the system patentable.

I think our biogas generator is definitely patentable (and we should totally patent it!) The design of the biogas generator is unique in a sense that, the whole system is able to generate, store, and use when required. A normal system would usually just be able to store and use (like a gas tank). Therefore, i think this system is unique enough to be patent. Nonetheless, more research and experiments should be conducted to identify how much biogas can be generated and how much gas can it store before patenting. 

Huey Meing: 
If we are referring to residential-use generator, there is a lack of manufacturer producing such generator due to the lack of demand. Hence, an efficient design of biogas generator specifically tailored for the residential use will be patentable. In this case, at the current stage of our proposed design, there is not enough information to predict the generated amount of the biogas per tank. Thus, tests are required before proceeding to patents of the design. 

Pang Chuan Yao:
The design can be patentable based on the design a unique type of working mechanism which can let surveillance robot carry camera with size like an insect, which can able to fit through places that human cannot fit through. Another patentable feature is the coding for the robot, as the robot can do move like a normal beetle and fly normally like a beetle.

3. Did you think that working as a team made this project easier or harder? Why? 

I think working as a team made this project much easier as each of the group members specialized in one area such as research, writing etc. When these skills are combined together they allow better work to be done rather than doing something alone. Furthermore, the group can contribute ideas to each other in order to improve the overall research and work which will not be possible if this project was done solo. Working in a group also cultivated several important requirements that is vital for future work in the industry. This includes free communication and suggestion and accepting of responsibilities to carry out assigned tasks. Most importantly, working together helped us improve each other's work and overall helped us develop our personal characteristics and attitude towards achieving a common goal, which in this case was taking care of Greg and investigating his biomimetic impact on our lives.

Of course it made this project easier! This is very true considering that everyone works on the common goal and interest. The idea of teamwork is to have many different perspectives and inputs that help to build and realise the design or concept. We may left out some of the important points or make mistakes if we work individually. As such, having a team to cover up each other mistakes and at the same time widen our perceptions makes executing projects easier and more efficient. 

I think team working is the most efficient way to get something done the fastest and easiest. Thus, working in a team has definitely made this project easier. With a combination of everyone's idea, great post were written. This project is not only successful, it has been fun working with everyone in the team. Lastly, I would like to thank my group mates for all their patients and hard work in making this blog so interesting and full of fun. 

Huey Meing: 
Teamwork is effective as each team member has his or her strengths and weaknesses. Distribution of tasks according to the ability of each team member made the work easier. On top of that, group discussion for exchange of opinions made the whole process a lot more interesting and fun. Different perspectives were combined and consensus were made before reaching to our final decision. Thus the blog posts were successfully published in this page. Although there are times when conflict occurs, working as a team has definitely made this project easier and I have learnt and grown together with my team members. 

Pang Chuan Yao:
Both having their own advantages but working as a team will be easier for getting the project becoming successful. One of the feature cannot do alone was providing opportunity, as a single person cannot provide as much idea as a team provided. Each team member has a responsibility to contribute equally and offer their unique perspective on an opportunity to arrive at the best way to work it out. Teamwork can lead to better decisions, products, or services. The quality of teamwork may be measured by analyzing the following six components of collaboration among team members: communication, coordination, balance of member contributions, mutual support, effort, and cohesion. A project with a good leader and his team members with six components above can provide out a good project.

Friday 5 June 2015

Reverse Engineering Worksheet: Leaf Beetle

Howdy! It has been awhile since our last post. We had been very busy with our assignments as it is towards the end of the semester *cough* usual procrastination excuse *cough*. Nevertheless, we are back here now to update the blog with yet another interesting post.

As usual, before we are going into the main content, we should update you about Greg and Lisa. During the break, we spent some of our time bringing Greg and Lisa out to the park, of course they were still in the terrarium all the time. They seems to be enjoying the fresh air as much as we do. And guess who we met there?

Cousins of Greg and Lisa were found sunbathing, having picnic, enjoying their leisure time as well on the plants. It was a fun day for us. No matter how busy you are, remember, to always take some time to clear your mind. Go hangout or take a walk at the park. This helps to de-stress you and improve your working performance next time. Cheers~

Now back to the main content. Today we are going to present a special technique that we 'engineer-going-to-be' often use to make new things. We are going to talk about Reverse Engineering. 

What is Reverse Engineering?

  • It is a technique used to learn about technologies, systems, and objects by analysing the structures & function of the components involved. 
  • It is used to improve an existing product or technology.

How to apply Reverse Engineering in Biomimetics?

  1. Understand on how a living thing functions in the ecosystem.
  2. Analyse a living thing through its features and requirements. 
  3. Apply suitable features into real life application.
  4. Create a new or improved product/system/technology through bio-inspirations.
Now that we've explained on how to apply reverse engineering in general, let's look into the context of applying this technique to Greg and Lisa. Just in case you missed out the previous sessions, Greg and Lisa are leaf beetles that we've adopted as the subject of study. 

Here's the Reverse Engineering Worksheet:

That's all for now. See you next week! :)

Sunday 17 May 2015

Industrial Application

Hi, welcome back. We just realized that we didn't update on the status of Greg and Lisa last week. Opps, sorry. Well, that happened because we were anticipating the appearance of Greg and Lisa's child (if you recalled the previous photo two weeks ago where Greg and Lisa were mating......).

Anyhow, we're still waiting........still waiting............

So, while doing so, why not let us show you how we created the terrarium for observation of Greg, Lisa, and their family members possible.

Step 1: Prepare a plastic aquarium. We used a 65 x 80 x 115 mm aquarium. Fill it with garden soil about one quarter of the aquarium, and not to forget, leaves. Greg and his families need them.

Step 2 : Invite the beetles into the temporary shelter.

Step 3: Make sure the beetles have food and water. There's plenty of leaves for them to chew on and we check on the soil to ensure the moisture is sufficient and water droplets are available for them.

Here's a video showing how Greg and his families and friends roaming around in the terrarium prepared specially for them.

Step 4 : Bring them out for some fresh air and keep them outside in the backyard where they were originally found.

Step 5 : Release them once observations are done. Yes, we will set them free at the end. After all, they belong to the nature.

That's for the update, now back to business.
This week, we will propose a design for biogas generator specially tailored for residential use. This was inspired from the beetles as well as some industry applications. 
Buckle up as you ride through this long post. We will first introduce on the technology and usage of biomass before moving to the proposed design. 
To make things bearable, we will now reduce the font size........

As specified in our previous posts, different inspirations can be obtained from various types of beetles. One of these is the generation of biogas from beetles which have multiple uses in various industries. 

The bugs produce methane gas by that is generated through an anaerobic digestion process. This process involves the bugs to be oxygen deprived and as such they will break down biodegradable material to produce methane. After the biogas goes the removal of carbon dioxide or “biogas upgrading”, it can be used to run the “Bio-bug” Volkswagen vehicle.

What is biomass?
  • Biological material obtained from living and recently living animals and plants.
  • Carbon based and is made up of a mixture of organic molecules such as hydrogen, atoms of oxygen, nitrogen and small quantities of other atoms such as alkali, alkaline earth and heavy metals.
  • Construction occurs by plant life absorption of carbon dioxide using energy from the sun.
  • Plant materials are broken down and released carbon into the atmosphere, with carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) mainly as the gases depending on the processes and conditions involved.

A wide range of materials are used in the biomass for energy. The largest biomass energy source is wood such as forest residue, yard clippings, wood chips and municipal solid waste. Other types of material include high yield energy crops, agriculture residues, food waste and industrial waste. Industrial biomass may be constructed from a wide variety of plants such as willow, sugarcane and bamboo as well as some tree species like eucalyptus and palm oil.

Biomass may be converted into methane gas and transportation fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. These conversion processes can be classified into three different methods, namely thermal, chemical and biochemical.

Thermal conversion method of biomass

This process uses heat as its main basis to convert biomass into a chemical of another form. The types of combustion (gasification and pyrolysis) can be distinguished based on the amount of chemical reactions that occur. The main factors which dictate this are the oxygen availability and conversion temperature. This type of conversion is mostly suited for tropical countries since fuel wood needed for burning is more readily available. 

Direct combustion occurs if oxygen is actively present. Steam is produced by furnaces and boilers to help district heating and cooling system function or to drive turbines to produce electricity. In furnaces, biomass is converted to heat by burning in a combustion chamber. This heat is released in the form of hot air or water. In boilers heat of conversion may be converted into steam. Steam is then used to produce both electrical and mechanical energy, as well as for heating and cooling. 60-85% of energy in biomass fuel is present in a boiler’s steam.

Pyrolysis does not produce useful energy directly, yet it is able to convert biomass feedstocks into gas, oil or charcoal if the temperature and oxygen conditions are controlled. Since these energy products are denser than the original biomass, the cost of transport is reduced and they are able to be easily used in internal combustion engines and gas turbines since they possess more predictable and convenient combustion characteristics.

Gasification is a process in a which high temperatures and a controlled environment are used to  convert all the biomass into gas. Firstly, the biomass is partially combusted to produce gas and charcoal. Next, chemical reduction occurs. The gasifier separates these two stages and it works on temperatures of 800°C. Gasification is mainly used in power generation and in homes for cooking and lighting.

Chemical conversion method of biomass

The chemical conversion of biomass revolves around the chemical reactions that transform biomass into other types of useable energy. The most common type of chemical based conversion is known as transesterification. This conversion involves a chemical reaction through which alcohol binds itself with fatty acids from fats, oils and greases. During this process the viscosity of the fatty acids are reduced, therefore making them combustible. Biodiesel, glycerin and soap are the end products of transesterification. 

Image Source: http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.

Biochemical conversion method of biomass

Biochemical conversions involve the use of enzymes, bacteria and other microorganisms to turn biomass into liquid fuel. The two most important methods of biochemical conversion are anaerobic digestion and fermentation.

Anaerobic digestion involves the usage of microorganisms to break down organic material in environments lacking in oxygen. Anaerobic digestion of crop residues, food scraps and manure produce methane and carbon biogas. Anaerobic digestion starts with carbohydrates being broken down in hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is a chemical process water and a salt or weak acid is used to split molecules into parts. Next, the resulting amino acids and sugars are converted into carbon dioxide, ammonia and organic acids. Lastly, these products are converted into methane and carbon dioxide by the remaining bacteria. Under the right temperatures (between 0°C and 60°C), the bacteria are able to convert 90% of the biomass feedstock into biogas. The leftovers of the biomass may be used as fertilizer , animal bedding or low-grade building products such as fiberboard.

Fermentation uses yeast in the conversion of carbohydrates to ethanol and bioethanol. Firstly, a slurry is formed by grounding and combining crop materials with water. After that, the heat of the slurry is increased and enzymes are added to break down the ground materials while converting starch into glucose sugar and producing a more refined slurry. Yeasts are then added to the sugary slurry and they are both pumped into a fermentation chamber. Finally, after about 48-50 hours, alcohol is divided from the left over materials by distillation of the fermented liquid.

The application of biogas is not solely confined to the green car industry. Biogas is also used in the heating appliances industry. Biogas does not require any pre-treatment other than water removal for heating purposes. It can be used to heat buildings in conjuction with a biogas plant and district heating power production.

Biogas is also a major contributor to the electricity generation industry. A gas powered generator is able to produce heat and electricity. The design of the plant decides the amount of heat and electricity generated, with the percentages being 35% electricity and 65% heat respectively.

Image Source: http://formligdesign.se/project/illustration-vireo-energy-2/
The following section describes anaerobic process which converts organic wastes into biogas, turning these wastes into useful resource for us.

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion is a series of processes that breakdown biodegradable material into simpler forms of chemical compounds (digestion) in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic). There are four main processes in anaerobic digestion: 

  1. Hydrolysis: Complex organic matters such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats broke down into soluble forms using water. 
  2. Fermentation/ Acidification: Convert soluble molecules into acids by adding in acidogenic bacteria. Amino acids obtained from proteins gave sustainable amount of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to breakdown organic matters in the process. In general, most sugars are converted directly into acetic acid.

    C6H12O6 à 3 CH3COOH

    Besides acetic acids, many other organic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen were formed from those organic matters. These products formed differently depending on the hydrogen concentration during fermentation process. In the formation of biogas, acetic acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas are the most important product.
  3. Acetogenesis: To fully utilise the resources to form biogas, the other acids formed from fermentation process will pass through acetogenesis process to convert those acids to acetic acid and hydrogen. This process uses acetate bacteria such as Syntrophomonas  and Syntrophobacter.
  4. Methanogenesis: The final phase of anaerobic digestion is the production of methane gas which is the essential product for biogas. Methane gas can be formed via two ways using methanogenic bacteria.

    3COOH à CH4 + CO2              CO2 + 4 H2 à CH4 + 2 H2O

    In the first chemical equation, acetic acid forms into methane and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is reused along with hydrogen gas to form more methane gas and water as the by-product as depicted in the second chemical equation.

For more detail on anaerobic digestion, please refer to the journal titled 'Methane fermentation process as anaerobic digestion of biomass: Transformations, stages and microorganisms' by Ziemiński and Frąc.

The production of biogas through this process is used as the main source of power for the "Bio-bug". Biogas can be used to produce electricity as well with a biogas engine and generator.

In the following sections, we will further look into how biogas engine and generator work. 

What is a Gas Engine?

  • An internal combustion engine which runs on a gas fuel such as coal gas, producer gas, biogas, landfill gas, or natural gas.
  • Also known as gaseous-fueled engine, natural gas engine, or spark ignited. 
  • Normally used for heavy-duty industrial engine.
  • Can run continuously at full load for periods of 8760 hours per year, compared to gasoline automobile engine which runs for no more than 4000 hours in its working life. 
  • Typical power ranges from 10 kW to 4000 kW.

How does a Gas Engine Works?

Gas engine actually uses the same working principles as any other internal combustion engine but using gaseous fuels such as biogas to produce electricity instead of the conventional gasoline. 

A gas engine applies venturi system to allow gas into the air flow. 

In brief, the total process consists of :

  • Several digesters that produce biogas with biogas flowmeter attached to it. 
  • The biogas is transferred into a low pressure gas holder, to act as a buffer in the system. 
  • Four flares of gas occur once the low pressure gas holder achieved its upper limit. 
  • Four gas blowers are used to increase the biogas pressure from 2.5 kPa to 45 kPa. This is to ensure optimum engine performance. 
  • Gas is transmitted through pipe lines across the plant to be consumed by the engines. 
  • Two engines are set up which can operate on natural gas or biogas. These are the primary engines for controlling. 
  • All the engines have flowmeter for biogas and natural gas consumption flow measurements. 

What are the applications of gas engine?

There are generally two main applications of gas engine, which are the stationary and transport applications.  

Stationary Engine

Image source: https://www.clarke-energy.com/wp-content/uploads/Gas-engine-basic-components.png

Biogas engines are generally used for power production in industries where there are access to abundant of organic waste. For instance, the animal farms and large factories that produce significant amount of human, animal, and plant wastes. 

Stationary engines are used for baseload power, that combines heat and power for power supply plant. Some of the companies manufacture gas engines include GE Jenbacher, Caterpillar Inc., Cummins, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and more. 

The popularity of biogas engine is mainly due to its ability to reutilize the unwanted organic waste to useful biological gaseous fuels. 

It is important to understand the energy content of the fuel gas, in this case the biogas in order to analyse on its power efficiency. In summary, the conversion efficiency of a combined heat and power plant can be defined as :

Efficiency of combined heat and power plant = (Electrical out put from an alternator + Themal output from gas engine ) ÷  Energy input to gas engine based on lower heating value (LHV) of the gas  x 100 

Gas engine energy balance.
Image source: https://www.clarke-energy.com/wp-content/uploads/Gas-engine-energy-balance.png

The LHV of a fuel is the amount of heat from a fuel after the latent heat of vaporisation. It determines the fuel flow required to go into the gas engine. Fuel LHV is normally stated in units of kWh/Nm.

Transport Engine

How about transportation engines? Compressed natural gas (CNG) engines is growing in the bus sector. Some of the users for such engine include Reading Buses. Here's some descriptions of the component involved (Misra Auto Gas - Leader in CNG - Gujarat, 2015)(Freepatentsonline.com, 2015)

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) engine components.
(Image source:http://www.actionalternativefuels.com/howdoescngwork.html)

CNG Components
CNG cylinder
A Storage tank for natural gases (methane)

Cylinder Value
A valve to manual closing/opening of gas flow

Injector Emulator
A control system which can stop either petrol or gas supply, when the driver using LPG/CNG, the Emulator shut off the petrol injector, stop petrol supply, meanwhile, it provides injector simulated signals and oxygen sensor simulated signals to OEM ECU, to facilitate it works as normal, or When using petrol, the Emulator wires to petrol injectors and O2 sensor are all under connection, no influence to original car ECU's normal function

Timing Advance Processor
TAP is the chip that used for advance an engine timing mainly to avoid back firing and to increase the engine pick up.

Gas-Air Mixer
A device that ensure the air-fuel mixing to its correct proportions.

Pressure Gauge
Device for measuring the pressure of the CNG.

CNG Reducer
Device that supplies sufficient gases to the engine.

Stepper Motor
A stepper-motor gas valve control is disclosed that includes a main diaphragm in a chamber that controllably displaces a valve relative to an opening in response to changes in pressure, to adjust fuel flow through the valve.

Filler Valve
A Valve to supplies gas to the CNG cylinder.

Changeover Switch
A switch to switch shut the petrol motor & convert car on gas.

Lambda Feedback System
A control system that give sufficient gas to engine by pressure & increases car pickup.

Why Biogas?

Let's take the case of dung beetle. 

Dung beetles have important role in the ecosystem and to the human society. They bury and consume dungs which then improve the soil structure and support nutrient recycling. 

Besides, removing animal faeces prevent pests at the cattle habitat. This in turn protect the livestock by reducing the population of pestilent bush flies. 
Equally important is the standards of hygience. In U.S. cattle industry, USD 390 million are saved just by having dung beetles to remove the animal manures. Emissions of nitrous oxide (a greenhouse gas) can also be reduced from agriculture. 

Similarly, biogas is inspired from the ability of bugs such as dung beetles which fully utilized the potential of animal wastes. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the application of biogas

Renewable source of energy
  • Biogas is created mainly by waste products and decays (Conserve-Energy-Future, 2013).
  • Meets the energy demands of industry and replaces fossil resources

Lack of Technology Advancement
  • Current systems used to create biogas are not very efficient
  •  Not many investors.
  •  Many researches are still going on

Environmental Friendly
  • Biogas production does not require oxygen
  •  Does not pollute the environment
  • Uses waste materials in landfills and dump sites.
  •  Reduces soil and water pollution

  • Contains a few impurities after the refining process
  • The impurities may be corrosive to engines when it is used as fuel.
  •  Sulphide and odor formation (Claassen et al., 1999).

  • Biogas can be used to produce electricity and heat
  • Can be used as car fuels (Compressed Natural Gas)
  • Production can be carried out in small plants or a large plant.

Not suitable for large scale
  • Biogas production is not economically viable on a large scale.
  • Difficult to increase the efficiency of biomass systems.

Reduce Greenhouse Effects
  • Biogas is produced using the gasses in landfills as a form of energy.
  • It recycles the biodegradable wastes.

  • Methane is flammable when it in contact with oxygen
  •  Hence, it is prone to explosions.

Proposed Product

Here's a proposed design by us, inspired from the utilisation of biogas and convert it into usable energy. 

Project Title: Biogas Generator for Residential Use

Overview of Design Concept

The design uses a generator that is suitable as a replacement for the conventional natural gas tanks commonly found in residential areas for cooking purposes. This generator can be applied in communities near to farms where animal manures are easily available. Other than that, the generator can also be utilised in larger scale where the biogas sources will be from landfills and underground sewer pipes. In this study, the small-scale generator is described as follows.

This biological inspiration follows the way ecosystem works between animals and plants. 

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/staticarchive/e50a5444d22ff5e17097934e8c0a428b4c2a9629.gif

Design Illustration
Proposed sketch of biogas generator system.

Design of biogas generator system using CAD.

Material List

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Tank
Vinyl Braided Tubing 1 in. x ¾ in.
Pressure Safety Relief Valve SFA 15 T
Ball Valve, Brass PFFP600, 200PSI
T adapter Brass ½” female x ½” male x 3/8” male
Compression Nuts (for T Adapter)
Brass Inserts (for T Adapter)
Hose Barb Fitiing ¾ In, ½ In MNPT, Brass

The digester and gas holder size is dependent on the amount of waste added. The required digester volume (VD) can be calculated through (Design, construction and maintenance of a biogas generator, n.d.) :

 VD = Volume of the digester (m3)
 VB = Volume of biomass added per day (m3 / day)
 HRT = Retention time required (days)

Similarly, the volume of the gas holder (VG) is dependent on the relative rates of gas production and consumption. To calculate the daily gas production, the following equations can be used. An additional 20 % safety margin is recommended.

   G = VB x Gy (moist mass)
G = LSU x Gy (species)
G = Daily gas production rate (m3/ day)
MB = Mass of biomass added per day (kg/day)
LSU = Number of live stock units (number)
Gy (moist mass) = Gas yield per kg of excrete per day (m3/kg/day)
Gy (species) = Gas yield per kg of live stock unit per day (m3/kg/day)

How it works?

The Biogas Collection System

Step 1: To prepare the manure mixture

1. Placing manure pellets into the digester bottle which is made of plastic.
2. Adding water to the level close to the top of the bottle.
3. Stirring the manure and water mixture to release trapped air bubbles. 

Step 2: To store the manure mixture

1. Lock the cap and ensure the ball valve is closed so that gas accumulated until it reached certain pressure before transferring to the biogas storage tank.
2. Set the biogas generator digester into a warm location such as sunlit window.

Step 3: The biogas storage tank

1. Use vinyl tubing, T-adapter, and ball valves to connect the digester and biogas storage tank.
2. Attach pressure valve to monitor on the level of biogas generated for safety purposes.
3. Close the ball valve connecting the biogas storage tank and tubing to the stove to allow biogas passing freely in the system without reaching to the stove.

Step 4: To utilize the biogas.

1. Open the ball valve to allow biogas flows towards the tubing connected to the stove.
2. Ball valve can be controlled to adjust the amount of biogas transferred. 


1. Do you think the biogas generator would work if manufactured?

Biogas generator is a green technology which converts waste into useful energy that is used for heating and cooking. In India, there are many families living in the rural areas use dry cow manure in place of firewood to cook. Farmers usually dry the manure under the sun and shape it into cake-size for storage. Similar to the firewood, the manure can be easily burned and retains heat for a long period of time. This concept is identical to the biogas generator except that the fuel is stored in the form of methane gas instead of dry manure. Besides, it has been proven that biogas (usually methane gas) can be used as the fuel for combustion applications.

2. Do you think that you could raise funds to pay for manufacturing?

This generator has great marketing potential due to its cost-effectiveness. The system uses waste as the fuel to perform the same task as the conventional cooking gas in our house. We believe that this concept will attract many environmentalist knowing that the conventional natural gas is a limited resource whereas the cow manure is seen as wastage. The initial cost of installation might be expensive due to newness of the technology but this can be mitigated when the generator is being mass produced. Besides, the production of manure pallet for the generator opens a business opportunity for the farmers.

3. Do you think that many engineers explore solutions from nature into their inventions?

Energy has always been an issue to look into when it comes to sustainable developments. Various types of renewable energy sources are seek after to ensure there will be continuous supply of power for generations to come. Thus, biomimetics come into the picture for designing products and systems around the world. It is known that nature knows best and each design in nature is unique and useful in one way or another. There is an increasing amount of engineers search for inspiration from the nature. The previous post about the bioinspiration from beetles are just some of the examples for integrating nature into inventions. There are many other more for us to explore on. 

That's all for this week. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it. We'll see you again next week. *cheers*
Oh, and please share with us your thoughts and comments below. It's always fun to connect with our readers. 
Till then. :)


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