Taylor's School of Engineering

Taylor's School of Engineering

Friday 5 June 2015

Reverse Engineering Worksheet: Leaf Beetle

Howdy! It has been awhile since our last post. We had been very busy with our assignments as it is towards the end of the semester *cough* usual procrastination excuse *cough*. Nevertheless, we are back here now to update the blog with yet another interesting post.

As usual, before we are going into the main content, we should update you about Greg and Lisa. During the break, we spent some of our time bringing Greg and Lisa out to the park, of course they were still in the terrarium all the time. They seems to be enjoying the fresh air as much as we do. And guess who we met there?

Cousins of Greg and Lisa were found sunbathing, having picnic, enjoying their leisure time as well on the plants. It was a fun day for us. No matter how busy you are, remember, to always take some time to clear your mind. Go hangout or take a walk at the park. This helps to de-stress you and improve your working performance next time. Cheers~

Now back to the main content. Today we are going to present a special technique that we 'engineer-going-to-be' often use to make new things. We are going to talk about Reverse Engineering. 

What is Reverse Engineering?

  • It is a technique used to learn about technologies, systems, and objects by analysing the structures & function of the components involved. 
  • It is used to improve an existing product or technology.

How to apply Reverse Engineering in Biomimetics?

  1. Understand on how a living thing functions in the ecosystem.
  2. Analyse a living thing through its features and requirements. 
  3. Apply suitable features into real life application.
  4. Create a new or improved product/system/technology through bio-inspirations.
Now that we've explained on how to apply reverse engineering in general, let's look into the context of applying this technique to Greg and Lisa. Just in case you missed out the previous sessions, Greg and Lisa are leaf beetles that we've adopted as the subject of study. 

Here's the Reverse Engineering Worksheet:

That's all for now. See you next week! :)

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